The questions to ask during due diligence need to be very carefully considered. As do the answers.
Some franchises quote financials in "bankings" and not turnover thus inflating the figure by 20%.
Franchise contracts ALWAYS favour the franchisor, some more than others - get yours professionally checked.
The Questions ARE The Answers
This website exists to provide potential investors with the QUESTIONS to ask when considering buying a Business Coaching Franchise.
These questions will ensure you get the right answers in order to make an informed decision. Always get these answers in writing, and make sure they directly answer the question being asked.
Any reluctance to provide the answers tells its own story. Finally, have a legal professional in franchise law look over both the contract and the questions and answers you have gathered.
Getting the right answers starts with asking the RIGHT questions.
For example, asking; "How many franchises have failed in the last five years" is NOT the right question.
You need to be much more specific. The correct question could be:
How many franchisees, over the last five years, have been more than three months behind with their Royalty Payments - whether pre-agreed or not?